Richardson Core Plaza & Linear Park Competition
Richardson, Texas

In 2020 the City of Richardson hosted a design competition to envision possibilities for a signature open space in the heart of downtown. Right on Main street, and underneath the DART light rail line, this project removes several existing buildings to create a vibrant new destination that supports local retailers and the ongoing redevelopment of the CORE, a key branded series of connected districts. A half-mile long linear park extends from this plaza along the DART Rail, further increasing the project’s impact. The Studio Outside plan for “The Script” was the winning entry, and proposes an array of performance, gathering, social, and play spaces the meander along a linear art movement of seating, plantings, and programs. Several structures, a gateway fountain, and other elements create a dynamic urban plaza that also engages the city’s Central Trail – a hike/bike trail that runs from Dallas to Plano connecting neighborhoods throughout Richardson to the downtown CORE. This design concept is currently in design refinement seeking funding for realization.


City of Richardson


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Next Project:
Riparian Park at Circle T Ranch