Twelve Hills Nature Center
Dallas, Texas
Twelve Hills Nature Center is an urban prairie in the north Oak Cliff neighborhood in the City of Dallas. This 5 acre site has transformed over the past several years from a dilapidated apartment building into a community driven prairie preservation effort. Environmental education and ecological stewardship drive a strong mission as well as partnering with the adjacent elementary school for their curriculum.
To further this mission and continue to provide an undeniable community asset for the next several decades, Studio Outside created a master plan to build upon the successful entrance and garden project. This master plan allows for interpretive nature trail routes, bird blinds, a nature playground, environmental art, butterfly gardens, and various restored prairies tailored to their soils and slopes. The passionate community and volunteer base’s partnership with a long range plan set this Nature Center apart and will continue to promote its next phases into fundraising and implementation.
Twelve Hills Nature Center
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Environmental Education
Next Project:
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve