Oakbrook Center
Oak Brook, Illinois
Known as one of the first open-air shopping centers in the nation, built in 1962, Oakbrook Center currently serves as one of the largest retail destinations in the Chicago area. General Growth Properties has embarked on a massive renovation of the 160-store mixed-use project, and hired Studio Outside, together with Omniplan Architects (Dallas, TX), to serve as design consultants. The studio team created a contemporary, elegant palette of materials to revitalize and upgrade the aging facility. By creating a series of connected “neighborhoods” and interior “districts,” the property will reemerge as an experience-rich regional destination to further Oakbrook’s success for the next 50 years.
2018 Commendation Award
2016 Honor Award
Design Constructed
Texas ASLA
2017 Chicago Tribune
General Growth Properties
Project Partner:
Omniplan Architects
Arlen Kennedy Photography
See More:
Retail & Mixed-Use
Next Project:
One Arts Plaza